Docker - Basic Flask app with Postgresql connection
Creating Basic flask app with Postgres, using docker.
This guide will show you how to create a basic flask app and
PostgreSQL database in separate containers and connect them together in
hopefully a very easy to understand and follow approach.
Initial steps to create the environment.
First clone this repository
Navigate to a directory that you wish to
work out of
run: git clone
Go into that directory you cloned and create
directory called data, if you are on linux run: mkdir data
Creating the PostgreSQL Database Image.
To make this neater and easier to understand. Create a
Dockerfile outside of the of the cloned directory.
In the docker file add the
FROM postgres:15.2-alpine3.17
# Set the environment variables for
ENV POSTGRES_DB mydatabase
# Expose the PostgreSQL port
Now run in the same directory as the Dockfile you just
docker image built -t flaskpostgresdb .
Note: you can change flaskpostgresdb to any name you want, this is naming the
image. However, for this tutorial to avoid errors and confusion, I would suggest
keeping it this name to make sure it works.
Creating self-signed SSL certificate
This is completely optional, I added this in here for a bit
of fun as an easy way to https for your developmental flask app
Run the following commands to generate your key and certificate.
openssl genrsa -out server.key
openssl req -new -key server.key
-out server.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in
server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
After the commands have been run, copy server.key and
server.crt to the directory you cloned.
Creating the Flask image
Go back into the directory that we cloned the GitHub repo
for this part and the remainder of this guide. We are going to build the image
from the Dockerfile
In the base Directory, run the following
image build -t myflaskapp .
Docker compose and running the flask app with PostgreSQL
If you’ve done all steps up to this part correctly, this
part is where the magic happens, and we can have the application running.
Be sure to make sure that POSTGRES_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_DB
are the same as what was in the Dockerfile for the PostgreSQL database and in
This Dockerfile has also created volumes in the local
directory that mount to both the flask app and PostgreSQL database. It is
particularly useful for the database so if you wish to upgrade the database to
a newer version or just keep your data, you have a very easy way of accessing
it this way.
Now run:
docker compose up
Final Touches
Last thing, I purposely left this out because I did not want
to prepopulate the database. I go through logging into database through
the container itself.
docker container ls
If all is going well you should see both containers running
Now run:
docker container exec -it flaskdb bash
Now we have a bash shell inside our container.
I would suggest trying to work the next part out by running
psql –help to find what you need to do next. However, run the following to get
into your database:
psql -U postgres
Now that we are logged into the database run the following
to see all our databases:
\l (that is a lowercase L)
This will show all databases
Now, if you’ve looked at, you will see which
database and table we are meant to use to retrieve information from our
Note: in psql, you can use tab completion
To use mydatabase, run the following:
Now we are going to great a table that is being viewed in by
our flask app. Run the following:
firstName CHAR(50), lastName CHAR(50));
Now to add some data into the table, we are going to add a
few entries
INSERT INTO person firstName, lastName
VALUES ('john ', 'doe '), ('mary ', 'jones ');
Now lets navigate to https://localhost
This confirms that your database flask app is working with
a connection to your database.
We covered a range of skills here from creating Docker images, using docker compose to create multiple containers and connect them, create the volumes for your containers to keep the data and if need to migrate it or upgrade the containers or services.
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