HTB - Sauna
Nmap - All Ports
Nmap -sC
-sV -p- -oN allports
Port 80
Next thing
we can do is try and guess a username that will be used.
For this we
will need to place all these names into a text and edit in a format that is made
for AD environments.
As an example
I did the following for each user:
This is an
amazing tool! If you don’t got an executable you can go and get it from here:
Run: kerbrute
userenum --dc -d EGOTISTICAL-BANK.local users.txt
We now know FSmith is valid username.
Getting a hash
We can use
a tool called impacket-GetNPUsers. This queries the target domain for users
who do not require Kerberos pre-authentication and exports their TGT’s.
Now we have a hash we can crack. I prefer to use hashcat for this.
Run: hashcat
-m 18200 hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Awesome we
got a password, time to start trying to see what we foothold we can get.
Use Crackmap.exe. This is a great tool to see what you can and cant access with or without credentials. It has an option to check if winrm will work.
Run: crackmapexec winrm -u FSmith
-p (password)
Run: evil-winrm
-I -u FSmith -p (password)
Privilege escalation
After having quick manual look around, I decided upload
winpeas.exe and run that on the target.
Using winrm
you can just use the command upload and you can upload and file from
your host to the target and use the command download to retrieve a file.
It has exposed
a service account
I also decided to run sharphound so I can use bloodhound to find a way that we can escalate our privileges.
After you have uploaded a sharphound.exe file, Run: ./sharphound.exe -c all.
Grab the zip file and upload it to bloodhound.
First you
will want to make sure we tell bloodhound which users we have “owned” to
make sure when we run queries through bloodhound, it will provide more information
on how we can exploit target.
I ran a few
of the prebuilt queries in bloodhound, and the only query that gave me something
that we can do, was “Find Principals with DCSync rights”.
We have
access to svc_loanmgr so it is possible to run. So, having this capability to
run a DC Sync allows us grab hashes.
If you follow the abuse tab on the link between svc-loanmgr and egotistical-bank.local. It will suggest you use mimikatz. I tried to run mimikatz on the target but the tends to error out. However, there is an impacket tool called impacket-secretsdump, which we can also use.
Run: impacket-secretsdump
We now have
the administrator hash now we can go and claim the root flag.
Run: impacket-psexec
administrator@ -hashes (hash)
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